Two Bears recalls Multiple products over undeclared milk allergen

On Feb 1, 2022, Two Bears issued a recall for their multiple products - Unsweetened Oat Mlk Barista Friendly (UPC:628504309056, Size: 1L), Vanilla Coffee Frothed Latte with Oat Mlk
(UPC:628504309049, Size: 250 ml), Frothed Chocolate
Oat Mlk
(UPC:628504309087, Size: 250 ml), Salted Caramel Coffee Frothed Latte with Oat M
lk Friendly (UPC:628504309094, Size: 250 ml), Black Coffee Frothed Latte with Oat Milk (UPC:628504309032, Size: 250 ml), Frothed Matcha Tea Latte with Oat Mlk (UPC:628504309100, Size: 250 ml), Frothed Chai Tea Latte with Oat Mlk (UPC:628504309070, Size: 250 ml).

These products are recalled from the marketplace due to undeclared milk allergen. According to Health Canada, “Two Bears is recalling various Oat milk products from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label.
These recalled products should be thrown out or returned to the location where they were purchased.
This recall was triggered by the test results.
There has been one reported reaction associated with the consumption of these products.”

For more information related to the recall, visit Health Canada at Various Two Bears brand Oat Milk Products recalled due to undeclared milk.

This recall is national and affects all regions. These recalled products were online as well.

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